Between April 1 and May 9, ALL EVENTS at the Kelly Center will help our participation and support for DELCO GIVES DAY May 8 to May 9. It is a true WIN, WIN, WIN! Delco Gives is hosted by The Foundation for Delaware County. They are also collecting donations from major sponsors and will share the proceeds with the 200 participating Delco non-profits. Every $10 you give could be worth more than $20 to the Kelly Center!
Attend our events, make donations on site or using the donation buttons below. Businesses can Sponsor. And your contribution will have double the impact. Be sure to indicate DELCO GIVES with your contribution.
All donations from Kelly Center events will count towards Kelly Music for Life’s Delco Gives Day fundraising totals. Delco Gives Day (May 8 – 9) is a day of giving hosted by The Foundation for Delaware County to support nonprofit organizations serving Delaware County. Your support of our fundraising campaign is helping us reach our Delco Gives fundraising goals!
Visit the Kelly Delco Gives campaign page
Please Donate